How to play?

So you're ready to start playing Word Lanes, but want to understand a bit more how it works. Here we go: once you start playing, at the very top of the screen you'll see a clue. There are more of them, just simply scroll either left or right. In the middle of the screen, you'll find the board with random letters.

Now, based on the clues, you need to find the answer in the sea of letters. How to do it? You can start a new track by touching an unresolved tile and drag onto the tiles you want to add to your word. Keep in mind that the track only adds tiles vertically or horizontally. This means that there is no way to add tiles diagonally.

If you change your mind halfway, simply drag the track back to the previous tile. To complete the word, all you have to do is drag the track until the end and lift the finger from the screen.

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